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Under the guidance of your facilitator, you will join seven other pregnant couples to explore a variety of pregnancy, birth and postnatal recovery topics. Sessions run for 1.5 hours and are held over 6 weeks, after work hours, at the Good Hub, Goodwood. 
Each session includes tea, coffee and a one hour workshop presented by a qualified midwife and birth education facilitator.


Topics covered during Sessions 1 - 4 include:

  • Anatomy of the body during pregnancy and labour

  • Physiological Birth

  • Breathing techniques for labour 

  • The Fear/Tension/Pain Cycle

  • Interventions and associated risks/benefits

  • Medical pain management

  • Non-medical pain management

  • Birthing options

  • Induction methods and associated risks/benefits

  • Positioning of baby

  • Types of monitoring

  • Assisted deliveries (forceps/vacuum)

  • Perineal Lacerations (Vaginal tearing/tears)

  • Understanding the cascade of interventions

  • VBAC

  • Caesarean - gentle & maternal assisted options

  • After birth 

  • Advocating for yourself/how to advocate for your partner

  • What to pack in your birth bag

  • Delayed cord clamping

  • Breech Birth

  • Creating a Birth Map

  • Partner Support 

  • Postpartum 

  • Baby care

  • Breastfeeding





You will get access to our whole online birthing video series covering the information shared in your session so you can re watch and refresh leading up to your birth.


Pregnancy can be exciting and wonderful but it can also be a time    of great uncertainty, anxiety, discomfort and exhaustion.

Intense physical, emotional and relationship and lifestyle changes   can be overwhelming.

Join us to improve your knowledge, build confidence and connect with other families who are on this    journey as you are. 

Session 5

A focus on the role partners play in birth and beyond.

Our co-founder and family counsellor Jesse will meet with you to shine a light

on the ways partners can offer tangible support during labor, birth and postnatal life.

He will speak candidly on the challenges that partners may face, and offer strategies to help overcome these challenges and foster healthy family relationships. 


Session 6

A complete 1.5 hour Infant First Aid workshop with an experienced and highly skilled paramedic from Safe Sprouts. (Value: $150)


You will also receive access to our entire library of digital downloads including: Nursery set up checklist, baby bag checklist, hospital bag checklist, baby safety/baby proofing checklist, emergency contacts template, birth map template, birth affirmation cards and Hospital/Home birthing room set up cheat sheet (value $80).



Our 6 week Pregnancy Group program includes:​


  • A birth educator to facilitate your group and offer ongoing support.

  • A welcome gift bag with quality products to try at home.

  • Opportunity to connect with other pregnant couples.

  • Access to a full infant First Aid Workshop (value: $150).

  • FREE baby heartbeat recording at Had me at Hello Imaging OR 50% off Pregnancy Massage

  • Digital, downloadable resources (value:  $80).

  • Coffee and tea throughout the session

  • 30% discount for our mothers group program (value: $120)

per person
*$550 per couple for 6 weeks,        includes Infant First Aid Workshop

Following your birthing classes, 
we would love you to join us for a mothers group.​

Motherhood is a tough gig and caring for a newborn can be isolating and overwhelming. In those early weeks and months it can feel like an absolute mission to leave the house. Connecting with women who are going through a similar experience to you is a wonderful way to extend your support network and encourage you to get out of the house. A regular outing is great for you and your little one and can do wonders for your mental health.

Through our holistic prenatal and postnatal services we aim to:


  • Connect you with other new mums and additional support services.

  • Educate and inform you about infant and child development.

  • Encourage you to get out of the house and socialise with your baby.

  • Nurture your insight and conscious connection with yourself and your baby.

  • Provide you with skills and knowledge to help better navigate pregnancy and motherhood.

  • Support you to build self-awareness and confidence in your new role as a mum.

  • Work with you through the multitude of feelings, changes and surprises associated with becoming a parent.

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